Monday, 2 January 2012

2011 Most Reached For! (Toiletries)

Well, I wanted to start 2012 off straight away and get this blog in full swing! And what better way to acknowledge the products I reached for the most during 2011. Looking back, I didn't realise just how much I was loving the "nude" look, so this year I intend on bringing some colour into my routine! So, first it's the toiletries.

Shampoo - Tesco Coconut Shampoo, Tesco

This stuff is a bargain at £1! The whole family enjoy the smell (kind of the nice version of suncream when you go on holiday, if that makes sense!) and balances my hair well. I notice a difference if I reach for a different product.

Shower Gel - It's Raining Men, LUSH

I was so happy when LUSH made this a permanent part of their range this year! It's soaps up wonderfully and always leaves my body feeling looked after!

Moisturiser - 7 Total Effects, Olay

This moisturiser comes in so many different forms, I tend to reach for the night version as I don't always like to use SPF. During the Summer months, my skin can tend to throw a wobbler and I found that Cetaphil really helped. Now were in winter, I'm back to Olay.

Hand Moisturiser - Cow Pat, Cowshed

Do not fear, I have not turned to rubbing faeces into my hands. I have finally discovered a hand cream that helps my eczema! I think out of everything listed in this post, this truly has been my saviour product. Yes, it's expensive, but if it works, it works. I love that it soaks into my hands straight away.

Skincare - Clarisonic Mia and Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Facial Wash

I do love the Clarisonic Mia and I'd say that if you have the funds to totally go for it. If not, a good, soft face brush will do! I use mine in the shower (otherwise I have a tendency to get water EVERYWHERE) and I use the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit to help with my blackheads. I'm sure there's another product out there that would probably to the job that little bit better, but the Neutrogena has been the one I've reached for most this year.

Perfume - Viva La Juicy - Juicy Couture

Definitely my signature scent but I've also reached for Katy Perrys "Purr" if I fancied something a little different.

Keep a look out for the cosmetics post in the next few days! I hope you had a safe and wonderful New Years!


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