Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Just incase you hadn't guessed...


Seeing as though I haven't posted since October, I suppose I've been on a prolonged hiatus!

It doesn't seem like October was all that long ago though to be honest. It's crazy how quickly things go now (not like time has changed or anything).

I do genuinely want to continue this blog though and haven't forgotten about it (promise!)

Needless to say, life has got in the way. But the major obstacles to over come with this blog have been my computer and camera. My poor laptop has survived four years, two of which were at college being battered about on a farm! Sadly though, its now dying a slow and painful death. And I made an honest mistake buying a camera with a coloured front, which no matter what way I try and cover always manages to reflect the red case in my photos.

I've been saving up for God knows how long now and hope to get a decent camera in the Boxing day/January sales and the computer issue will be worked around. So I'm hoping the New Year will mean a new start for this blog.

I'm really sad that I'm not going to be able to go to IMATS London in February, but money will be just too tight as I'm hoping to study make up next year. Besides, I'd like that little bit more knowledge and build up my confidence before venturing to IMATS. I'm nout but a country girl at heart!

So, that's the lowdown on what's going on!

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wishful New Year. Stay safe and I will come back fresh and prepared for some serious beauty blogging!

Melissa xxxx

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