Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Clarisonic to the rescue?

Okay. I did it. I joined the Clarisonic bandwagon. I had to. No. REALLY!!

God only know what has happened to my skin within the past 2-3 months but oh my.

Let's just say I had a cry today over it. It's that bad. The breakouts have become insane, I feel like it's dying of thirst with dry patches and yet it's oily?!?! WTF?! I've never really had problem skin, not even as a teen. The only concern I've ever had is dryness. For a good six months I got into a routine of using Olay 7 Total Effects (Night and Day - Using SPF during the night just doesn't make sense to me) and I felt I had become the closest I had ever been to being happy with my skin. Then the sun came. Ever since that ONE BLOODY WEEKEND OF ENGLISH SUMMER we had my skin has just not liked anything.

At the moment, I'm placing the blame on a number of things:
  • My skin hates the sun. Therefore I should stay in bed. Forever. 
  • My medication for my bipolar disorder has been changed repeatedly (Ok, this may be a major factor)
  • Diet change (Kinder Eggs don't count though right?)
  • My hormones have gone insane recently?
  • Due to the above, my mood is considerably low
  • Trying way too many products trying to rectify the problem!
  • God obviously hates me.
So, I'm bloody fed up and have decided, to hell with it all. I've purchased a Clarisonic Mia (in Purple if you really wanted to know!) and I've gone back to the holy grail that is Cetaphil.

I just wondered, if you happened to stumble upon this post, what your thoughts are? Have you tried the Clarisonic? Do you have holy grail products to run back to?

Also, I would just like to add, that if like me, £120 is all you can stretch to (and I struggle to justify that price but time will tell) you CAN use the Mia as a body brush too, just buy the normal brush head (it comes with sensitive). As lovely as the saleswomen were, they did lie saying you would have to buy the plus if you were to use it on your body and for £180 - they can jog on!

So, time will tell. I'm not too sure what will happen when it comes to posting reviews on cosmetics etc within the next couple of weeks, my skin really needs some TLC. That and I pick up a puppy on Thursday! wo0ot! I imagine puppy photos and NOTD will be the way forward for the next week or so!

I will definitely keep you updated on the Clarisonic though!



  1. The purple is a great color! We hope you will love your Mia. Some Clarisonic users go through the purging process, but just know it will clear. Welcome to the Clarisonic family!

  2. Thank you very much for your comment! I'm really loving the Mia so far and a review will be up shortly! xx
